Office: (808) 772-4354   |   Cell: (808) 285-7684   |

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Expert Witness

Hawaii's Expert Witness

Expert Witness Whose Court Testimony Makes a Difference

Ed Howard is a recognized expert witness for the security industry. Ed has been highly successful in providing courtroom testimony in a variety of cases.

His expertise is in Security Standards of Care for the General Security Industry, Healthcare Security and Safety, Criminal Narcotics Investigations and Controlled Substance Pharmaceutical Drug Offenses and Dram Shop Litigation-Responsible Alcohol Service.

Litigation Support for Security and Safety

  • Expert Witness
  • Litigation Support
  • Courtroom Testimony
  • Courtroom Testimony and Witness Preparation

In a dram shop case involving the unfortunate death of two individuals, our client needed an expert witness qualified to provide an opinion as to whether its alcohol service fell below Hawaii's standard of care. With his years of experience providing alcohol service and safety training in the State of Hawaii, as well as his previous employment as a Honolulu police officer and as a criminal narcotics investigator, Mr. Howard was able to review volumes of evidence and provide our client with a clear, persuasive and timely expert report in its favor.

Bradford Chun, Esq.
Kessner Umebayashi Bain & Matsunaga
Law Firm

I have known and worked with Ed Howard since 2006. In 2016, I transitioned to Healthcare Security, as a Security Director.  I immediately retained the services of Ed Howard, Pax Bello Hawaii, as my subject matter expert Security Consulting and Training company.  Ed's knowledge and expertise are not limited to just the Security Industry, or Healthcare Security but also include Hawaii Law, Rules, Regulations, Use of Force by Security (Industry and Hawaii standards), Risk Management and Mitigation through staff (Security & Corporate Staff) training and awareness.

Ed's is easy to work with, offers flexible schedules and meeting times to meet your individual needs and his credentials are unquestionably some of the best in the industry.

Kirk Smythe
Director of Security - Hawaii Region
Blackstone Consulting Inc.

Pax Bello Security Solutions Hawaii, LLC is a professional consulting, training and education firm specializing in providing expert services for the Hawaii security industry.

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